Streamline the student accommodation experience

Ensure that cumbersome admin tasks do not spillover to the student experience, allowing students to focus on what's important.

Nala dashboard on phone

Designed by students

Nala was designed and developed entirely by students. Who better to enhance the student accommodation experience than those most familiar with it?

Array of requested meals

Ensure students never miss a meal

Enable students to request meals with ease, regardless of their dietary conditions. Nala's intuitive staff dashoard includes a breakdown of current meal requests, identifying those with special conditions.

Respond swiftly in an emergency

Nala quickens emergency response by allowing direct-calling of relevant security numbers.
Optionally, students may choose to share their location if they are in distress off-site.

Emergency screen and location sharing
Array of requested guests

Enable students to effortlessly sign-in guests

Students are discouraged by complicated guest sign-in procedures. Nala makes it easy for students to register guests and for staff to approve them.

Get a gauge on student whereabouts

Determine how many students are off-site without being overbearing. Sign in and out with just one tap, for the least-intrusive site-logging solution.

On-site proportions on monitor


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